Monday, April 26, 2010

Driving to San Francisco

Back in the old days when I was a working woman, this was my commute.  Well, part of it at least.  If we go way back to when Keith and I were newly engaged...then this was my commute from Burlingame.
Exciting post, right?
Keith and I lived right off of Broadway in the cutest little house.  I still love that house...I have some of my best memories there.  And I always loved the lighting in that house. 
 Driving in the bay area makes me very nostalgic.
This was our was rather large compared to the rest of the house. 
White floors in a kitchen is not a good idea by the way.
I did a lot of wedding planning in that house. 
I can't believe this is about 8 years ago.
Anyway...back to the drive.

I think this is the hotel where Keith asked my dad for my hand in marriage.
I love my traditional man.

I tried to get us a factory tour here once.  They wouldn't let me in.

Now we can see the bay.
One good thing that has come out of "this economy," the ballparks are all getting their original names back.  Candlestick was always Candlestick to me.
Heading towards downtown. 
I never liked this part of the city...Too many houses and no trace of the hill.
Look, someone painted a heart on the front of their house.

I feel like I am going to work.  Almost there.
Just follow this street down to the Embarcadero and turn left and head past
 The Ferry Building to the Ice House. 
Sometimes I miss my job.
Most of the time I don't.
But I did like my co-workers.
I loved working in the City.
I liked Happy Hour.
I liked working at the corporate office for Williams-Sonoma.
When I was 26 I made it my goal to get a job there.  
It took me 9 months and 5 or 6 interviews. 

But this night we were not driving to my office.  We headed here.

When I moved from Walnut Creek to Burlingame I started commuting with my good friend, Angela.
Last month it worked out perfectly that we were in town for her 40th birthday.

She is 100% italian.  I am like 80% Irish.
Can you say Spray Tan? :-)

Here is a small world connection with Angela.
Her husband, Paulo, has a brother, Giovanni.
(Yes, they are very Italian)
In college, Giovanni lived with Mike.  Mike is Keith's cousin...Aunt 'Lene's son.
Aunt Lene and Angela have the same birthday.
I got lucky, the stars aligned and Aunt Lene's party was during the day and Angela's was at night.
 Aunt 'Lene and Mike should have come with us to Angela's because they could have introduced us to half the party.

It was a big fun party day.
When we got home to Papa and Curly's house, this is how our monkeys were sleeping.


Amy said...

You look great! I need to try that spray on tan...I am super white (and Hungarian, imagine that!). Great walk down memory lane! :-) Thanks for sharing!

Mara said...

Thanks for the ride, Marisa. I loved the post and you're looking mighty fine with that spray tan:) I need some tanning of my own.