Wednesday, May 26, 2010


My mom came down for a visit this past week.

We celebrated her birthday with a relaxing lunch and walk in Coronado.
We shopped, lunched, watched Twilight, and we went and saw that Babies movie.

We also strolled a little down memory lane.
On this visit my mom brought along some of my old papers and report cards.
It was fun to look at my work and pictures from when I was close to Sam's age.
I can actually remember creating some of these works of art.

This was a paper I wrote about Movies.

Ummm...  Anyone remember the movie Private Benjamin?  Do you remember the scene of the second wedding you remember what they were doing when he died?! favorite part of the second movie I mention is the gorilla sticking his middle finger up.
The year was 1981.
I was seven.
That is just good parenting.
Growing up in the 80's was sweet.

It reminds me of a story of one Sunday morning when I was, oh, about seven. 
We were all rushing to get ready for church.  I couldn't find one of my lovely, worn, white buckle sandals.
My mom warned me if I wasn't down stairs in two minutes she was leaving without me. (I am assuming my dad was home because I don't think she would have left me alone and my dad usually skipped the Sunday Church routine.)  Anyway, I dug through the clothes, stuffed animals and blankets that covered my closet floor and finally found my sandal.
I grabbed it and booked down the stairs and out the front door.
The shimmery brown station wagon was just pulling away.
I ran to the middle of the street and watched her leave me.
Dressed in my Sunday best with one shoe on and one in my hand, I quickly raised my arm in the air and held my middle finger up high.  I made sure to motion my hand back and forth to really accentuate my anger. Being seven, I wasn't highly aware of the rear-view mirror and the ability for the driver to see things behind them.
About an hour or so later, Mom was home and I was busted.
But at least now we know where I learned such a thing.
And little girls who watch R rated movies and flip their parents off on Sunday mornings
can still grow up to be respectful members of society. :-)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

48 years

Arlene and Jack were out for a visit a few weeks ago.
We had the honor of going to dinner with them to celebrate their 48 years together.
48 years!
Holy Crap!
That is a long time.
The best part is that they still like each other!
I mean they can still truly have a good time together.
I think that is incredibly special and a milestone I look forward to reaching with Keith.
After giving a sweet little and tiny bit emotional toast to Arlene, Jack raised his glass and said he felt like the luckiest man in the world.
I asked them what their secret did they make it to 48 years?
I leaned forward and eagerly awaited some wise words of wisdom...

"Well, you has not actually been that great...."

Did I mention Jack is really good with words?

We all started laughing.
I think what he was trying to say was that it wasn't easy...not the marriage part...but the life part.
Like everyone, they had their challenges.

Then we took pictures.  I took the picture above of them. 
I snapped a quick picture of Papa and Curly.

 And here is the picture that was taken of us...

They may be 40 years ahead on the marriage part...but I think we may have them on the camera skills.

Arlene and Jack, Thank you for sharing your anniversary with us!!

A good lesson

After watching Elise play, or not play in the first two games of soccer,
I was tempted to quit the season for her. 
I wanted it to be fun experience.  Not a source of stress.
She is only 3. 
Thankfully, Keith had the idea of keeping me at home during the next few games.
He would go with her and quietly support her without forcing her into anything.
(Just so you know...I was not forcing her into anything...I was just a sympathetic mommy who wanted to hold her hand on the field during the that so wrong?)
Keith would make her stay on the field but that was pretty much the extent of the forcing.
Each week she would involve herself just a tiny bit more.
And as I mentioned in my last post, I was finally invited back to the games.

She is like a different little girl out there!
She smiles, she runs, she kicks and she lets the coach talk to her.
Watching her play with her team is beyond cute and I love that she is enjoying herself.
I love the bond it has created with her and Keith.
She looks for him as she runs down the field and she smiles when she sees him cheer her on.
It has been a big confidence booster for her and a good lesson for us.
We could have quit
but she would not have learned
what she is capable of.

Monday, May 3, 2010


Elise does not want anyone to know she can play soccer.
After watching Sam play soccer and after tasting the delicious snacks that appear after the soccer game, Elise decided she wanted to play too.  I thought she was too young but finally broke down and signed her up.
If we get to the game early, she will pass and kick and dribble and practice making goals with Daddy.
But when the team or coach shows up, game's over.
"Nice Kick, Elise!" yelled the coach as he arrived to witness what he had never seen before.
Elise turned, glared and stuck her thumb in her mouth.
She gets very quiet and serious.
I told her she had to at least stand in front of the goal during the game
if she wanted that delicious snack at the end.
She looks so happy.
After the second game, Keith and I decided to ban me from the games.
When Mommies are around it is easier to mope and look for a rescuer.
For the last month, Soccer has been a Daddy and Elise activity.
One that they both look forward to.  At least until the team arrives.
On Saturday, Elise told me that she smiled once at the game and that she even ran a little and that now it would be okay for me to come back to watch the games.
She also sounded proud that the coaches daughter is even more shy than she is.
I am looking forward to Saturday morning.