Tuesday, August 18, 2009

First day of Pre-school!

Elise started pre-school today. She was so excited! She insisted on bringing her backpack to school just like Sam does. So she brought an empty backpack to and from school. When I opened up the garage door and she headed toward the car she said, "Oh! It is a bootiful day!"On the way to drop Sam off, I listened in on the brotherly advice Sam was offering.

"Elise, if you are playing with a toy and someone wants to play with it, don't scream at them, NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just tell them you will let them play with it when you are done and then play a little more and give it to them. And be nice to the other kids if they want to talk to you."
We dropped Sam off and Elise was eager to get going to her "regular" school.
When I picked her up she exclaimed, "That was a fun day!"
She colored, painted, made a puppet and apparently impressed the teachers with her eating abilities at lunch. In this last picture she is looking at me and talking in her silly low voice saying, "Hi Marisa, I am a puppet."
I am a proud and happy mama.

1 comment:

Mama Bear said...

Wow! Both of your kids are in school! Does it feel good? I actually can't quite imagine right now...